Invisible Forces
Invisible Forces
Invisible Forces
Invisible Forces
Invisible Forces
Invisible Forces
Invisible Forces
Invisible ForcesInvisible ForcesInvisible ForcesInvisible ForcesInvisible ForcesInvisible Forces

Invisible Forces


MFA Thesis Exhibition, Yale University, New Haven, CT



24 H x 24 W x 12 D feet (731.5 H x 731.5 W x 365.8 D cm.)

Water, Aluminum, Nylon, Steel, Elastic Thread, Circulating Pump, Motor, Industrial Fan, Paint, Incandescent Light, Mylar, Pine

Within the soft focus of a misty two-story modern gallery space, a diagonal curtain of rain fell between two parallel veils of scrim into a lozenge-shaped pool. The sound of the falling water resonated throughout, while an industrial fan suggested the force of wind, filling a billowing conical form. Slender, tapered cones pointed upward, piercing the air, and a fragile ladder descended from the ceiling while a thin curtain of violet threads bisected the space diagonally. In the distance, a delicately balanced beam slowly tipped from side to side, a silent measurement of the passage of time.

Invisible Forces was a meditation on gravity, balance and tension that magnified the drama of simple physics and natural phenomena in our dynamic world.

Invisible Forces was presented as part of the ’83 Yale MFA Thesis exhibition.